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Thread: Hello all :)

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Default Hello all :)

    Hi there,

    I am a 20 year old man from England. I saw a video which I will post at the end about razors and from then on I always wanted to shave with one! Unfortunately I found nowhere where I could buy one so I settled for a doubled edged razor for a while. I then finally managed to find a supplier and I haven't gone back to disposables since, and never will :P

    The reason that made me join the forum with some urgency though is that I have detected the first signs of cell rot after 5 months of use

    I first noticed a squeaky sound coming from the hinge and upon further inspection saw a very small brown patch which looks identical to cell rot pictures that I've seen. I'll make a new thread but hope that my razor is not beyond the point of no return.

    The Parable of the Razor - YouTube

  • #2
    Senior Member tiddle's Avatar
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    Welcome, there are two ways to tell if it is. If there are small spots of rust on the blade, or smell the scales. If they smaell like ammonia or vinegary even if faint, then its the start of cel rot. Unfortunately, thats the nature of celluloid, to break down and gas off, nothing you can do but chuck em. There are a good bit of guys in the classifieds across the pond who can do custom sets, and dovo and thieres issard make replacements for a decent price. Hope that helps, I couldnt view the video above.
    Mastering implies there is nothing more for you to learn of something... I prefer proficient enough to not totally screw it up.

  • #3
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    Hans Landa

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    Senior Member Katan2212's Avatar
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    Welcome to SRP
    It’s never too late to be the man you were meant to be

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