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Thread: Latigo Leather or Premium Horsehide

  1. #1
    Senior Member Peter57's Avatar
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    Default Latigo Leather or Premium Horsehide

    All set to buy my first SR/strop combo. Difference in cost aside....any comments on latigo leather vs premium horsehide? Any comments on leather handles vs D rings?

    Thanks in advance for the feedback.

  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    Two totally different animals in the feel you'll get when stropping. I prefer horsehide because it is a slicker feel with less draw (resistance). I prefer the leather handles to D-rings or the old school , no handles at all. A very subjective thing and you won't know for sure until you try.
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  4. #3
    zib is offline
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    Unfortunately, this is one of those times when it's personal preference. I would suggest handles if your new, it's easier to use. I guess even that is subjective. As Jimmy mentioned, Latigo has lot's of draw, or drag, It's as if someone put heavy wax on leather. Kind of like dragging your razor through that.

    Horsehide is the other end of the spectrum, and one of my favorites. It's very slick, very smooth. The razor just glides across it. My vote would be Horsehide with handles.

    P.S. What part of the Island on you on? I lived in Queens, and Jersey. I used to spend a lot of time out in Lynbrook and Malverne.
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  6. #4
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    Thanks for the prompt response. North shore near the border of Suffolk/Nassau. One of the areas got smacked pretty hard by the recent storms.

  7. #5
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    I think that if you're learning, the handles will be easier for you to keep ''strop form'' than D-rings.

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  9. #6
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Hi Peter,
    When I started, I had Latigo or its equivalent. The heavy draw was more difficult for me to learn stropping with. I struggled to keep the pressure very light while stroking against all the resistance. Horse was on the opposite end of the scale, and I found it easy. Now, I tend to seek out that heavy draw on the possibly hallucinated thought that it has more effect on the edge - especially if followed by a light draw leather such as horse or SRD Prem1. This sequence of heavy, then light draw is speculative and not widely shared. Since you're starting out, I would suspect the lighter draw leather would be easier to use in training the muscle memory to do stropping well.

    BTW: If the chance ever presents itself to spend the time w/ an experienced str8 shaver, such as Zib, I'd suggest doing whatever it takes to make that happen. Every noob I've seen who posted about that time has had a *very* positive result. It seems to shorten the learning curve on a number of areas.

    However your proceed w/ strop selection, best of luck and enjoy the ride.
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  11. #7
    lobeless earcutter's Avatar
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    Wow - Not much to add as everyone has pretty much said it like it is. It really is a personal thing but I'll give you my preferences.

    I have absolutely no preference between handles or D-rings. I used to... well i thought I did until I got both. Now I jump between the two not even thinking about it. Maybe when you are starting out though - having the handle might provide comfort as it keeps your hand farther away from the blade. ? maybe?

    Though both are fun - were I to have one, I would go with the "courser" draw. I don't know why but at one time I thought stropping meant you had to go gangbusters and speed helped . Though I know that's not the case anymore - the courser forces me to slow down a bit which is good as I have bad habits lol.

    I don't know enough to be truly factual about it all, but I got the Roo and it's a kind of "in-between."

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  13. #8
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    Latigo was the 2nd strop I bought, the first being an Illinois steerhide. At first I kind of liked the draw of the latigo but after a few weeks I decided it was too much, draw that is. I subsequently bought a SRD Premium and that's become my favorite, even after final purchase of a horsie strop. Love the SRD and in no small measure it's due to the 3".

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  15. #9
    Learning something all the time... unit's Avatar
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    Default Latigo Leather or Premium Horsehide

    I like the D rings, but you cannot just drop them when you are done because they will bang and mar the heck out of whatever they hit.
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