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Thread: What went wrong ?

  1. #11
    Luddite ekstrəˌôrdnˈer bharner's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LarryAndro View Post
    But, for anyone else reading this, my two bits in addition to what was said above is to shave a section of your face to short stubble with a safety razor and shave just that section with a straight razor. You are more likely to have problems of your own bad technique making early in the shave. By shaving with a safety razor to reduce the length of your whiskers you avoid a lot of potential for problems.

    Of course, if it goes well, on subsequent shaves leave increasingly more whisker (after the safety beard reduction) for the straight razor.
    Truer words are rarely spoken. I started with a shavette and a couple months later I got a razor from Larry. I thought I knew how to shave but that thing either bounced around my face or stuck to everything. Larry gave me the same advice. Fast forward two weeks and I was in heaven. Now, almost two years later I'm still amazed at the difference between the factory DE blade and the straight. I use a DE regularly noe but I can tell it's been too long when I start nicking myself or get razor burn when using the straight.

  2. #12
    KLF is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by LarryAndro View Post
    KLF sent me a private message, and we are conversing there. But, for anyone else reading this, my two bits in addition to what was said above is to shave a section of your face to short stubble with a safety razor and shave just that section with a straight razor. You are more likely to have problems of your own bad technique making early in the shave. By shaving with a safety razor to reduce the length of your whiskers you avoid a lot of potential for problems.

    Of course, if it goes well, on subsequent shaves leave increasingly more whisker (after the safety beard reduction) for the straight razor.
    Thank you Larry and everybody else for your help. After all the polish yesterday, today I did some stropping on leather and on the balsa and the razor got back in shape, I did the hair cutting test and it went straight away. Today, on my second shave I used a DE for the first pass and the straight razor for the second one. It was much much better than yesterday. I did nicked myself twice but not important I didn't went for an BBS either, just to test how it works. I now realize that it will take a long time to master the angle and everything else. Yesterday I thought of the straight razor like it was some kind of DE variety but today I fully realized the difference and I begin to realize I sub-estimated the learning curve
    I'm looking forward to the new challenge and I know that I have a lot of great people to help me when needed.
    Thank you all !

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