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Thread: Which is better for a beginner?

  1. #11
    Still a Beginner. planetocean's Avatar
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    I did quite some research before I purchased my first straight razor and out of that research I concluded that the 5/8 would be the best option. So I spent a great deal (too much) money on a brand new semi exotic 5/8.

    But as of 2 weeks or so ago I purchase a 6/8 from an antique shop for $39 and I find that to be my preferred shaver now.

    Reflecting back I regret spending a large sum of money on my first razor, there was no need for this.

    Like others have said you will most likely buy both at some stage anyway so it does not really matter on the size.

    The 6/8 felt a little big in my hands at first but now it feels great/just right and the 5/8 a bit too fiddly and I have no problems at all with the 6/8 under my nose but maybe as I am a bit more skilled now.

    Oh and don’t rush out and purchase an expensive strop either as you may cut it up, unless the leather is easily replaceable.

    I would advice to purchase a shave ready razor off the classified on SRP or find a good quality at an antique shop/eBay and get it honed and wait until 6 months of straight razor shaving and reading the forums on SRP before buying something you really like the look of. Well I wish I had done that.
    markdfhr likes this.

  2. #12
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    I'm about 6' 2" and 250, and I do have large hands. But at the moment I'm more likely to be able to get away with spending just about $90 for a razor, soap, brush, and strop (or there about), and seeing as I'm personally tight on cash at the moment (and the next $300 I make is going towards a nice gift for my girlfriend) I may opt for the 5/8 from the classifieds here now an get the 6/8 around Christmas time, along with a nice brush.
    Last edited by DaKnobie; 10-19-2011 at 01:31 AM.

  3. #13
    Still a Beginner. planetocean's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DaKnobie View Post
    I'm about 6' 2" and 250, and I do have large hands. But at the moment I'm more likely to be able to get away with spending just about $90 for a razor, soap, brush, and strop (or there about), and seeing as I'm personally tight on cash at the moment (and the next $300 I make is going towards a nice gift for my girlfriend) I may opt for the 5/8 from the classifieds here now an get the 6/8 around Christmas time, along with a nice brush.
    Good idea, you have the rest of your life to straight razor shave so there is no real point in spending big money at first.

    Over the course of time and after getting accustom to straight razor shaving you can then start adding higher end razors and bushes etc to your collection if so desired as I feel it takes time and experience to realize what the best products for your needs are.

  4. #14
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    my best shaver *(other than the one i made) is a worsty pipe razor i got off evilbay for 15shipped.....

  5. #15
    Baby Butt Smooth... justalex's Avatar
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    I have big hands and prefer the heavier razors = easier to grip, more weight(means you can use less pressure when shaving), and easier to hone and strop in my opinion

  6. #16
    Senior Member Str8nSharp's Avatar
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    I have 1 5/8 razor and 2 6/8 razors and for some reason I get better shaves with the 5/8. Maybe it's just that I started with the 5/8, but I feel like I have more control over the blade than with the larger ones. I'm 6'2" 300# but have relatively skinny hands and fingers, as I've never been accused of having sausage fingers.

  7. #17
    Senior Member mannye's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by paco664 View Post
    my best shaver *(other than the one i made) is a worsty pipe razor i got off evilbay for 15shipped.....
    Hey there! A fellow Miamian! good to see there are locals on here. Maybe you know where one can get a razor honed in town? I saw this place in Hialeah but I am afraid to take my recent ebay find to an unknown quantity...

  8. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by DaKnobie View Post
    I'm about 6' 2" and 250, and I do have large hands. But at the moment I'm more likely to be able to get away with spending just about $90 for a razor, soap, brush, and strop (or there about), and seeing as I'm personally tight on cash at the moment (and the next $300 I make is going towards a nice gift for my girlfriend) I may opt for the 5/8 from the classifieds here now an get the 6/8 around Christmas time, along with a nice brush.
    Here is where you are going wrong...

    Spend that money on great razor and kit and tell her you wanted to always look your absolute best for HER...

    On a different bent.... I bought a square full hollow 5/8 and a round nose 1/4 hollow 6/8. To me, I much preferred to use the latter. it was more forgiving (thicker blade) and heavier which made for easier control.

    You might wish to save money up front which is fine, but spend enough or rather, get the right kit to give this a proper shot. Perhaps bide your time and look on ebay to find the ideal razor for the right price during which you can be saving up more money...?

  9. #19
    what Dad calls me nun2sharp's Avatar
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    It really doesnt matter which one you choose, you will have to learn to use it either way.

    @mannye : Check the classifieds under member services and look for honers near you. PLEASE by all means STAY AWAY from the cutlery shops and the KNIFE GRINDERS!
    onimaru55 and markdfhr like this.
    It is easier to fool people than to convince them they have been fooled. Twain

  10. #20
    Senior Member blabbermouth niftyshaving's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PenSword View Post
    Here is where you are going wrong...

    Spend that money on great razor and kit and tell her you wanted to always look your absolute best for HER...
    Oh silly silly... ;-)
    The gal in my life is worth more than all my razors.
    A good razor is hard to find but a good gal is much much harder to find.

    I would get a brush and some good shave soap and
    shave with what ever blade I could afford.
    KeithS likes this.

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