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  1. #1
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    Default First Full Shave - Brush problem?

    Hello all,

    This is my second post, having asked some questions about an inherited razor in the SRP workshop.

    Yesterday I received my new Vulfix Super Badger Brush. After a couple of days wait I had gained some stubble and thought I'd give my straight a second try. I rinsed the brush, made a lather and applied to my face and then stropped away. The brush seemed fine (apart from a little smelly - badger I guess) I gave my face a last past with it before beginning to shave.

    I'd already had a previous shave covering jaws and cheeks (with a slight attempt on upper lip to see what angle worked) and finished with my Gillette. I was a little shaky but soon got into the flow.

    This time the shave was super! I managed all areas with surprising fluidity. It was like I'd done it 100 times, I wasn't at all shaky and remarkably quite confident. My doubts only came about with the new brush. When I applied a second lather to a region already shaved I noticed some hair coming loose off the brush. It kept happening. When I'd finished shaving and washed all utensils I hung the brush upside down and when dry checked to see if any more came out. Nothing like when I was lathering. Is this normal for a new brush? Is there something I've done wrong/missed?

    I'd like to thank everyone here for all the invaluable information you've supplied. I used to think of shaving as a chore (even though I have an 'immature' beard). Now I can't seem to wait for the next. Checking every couple of hours to see if its growing.

    I'd also like to mention Neil @ for his outstanding professionalism and knowledge. For anyone in the UK looking for supplies or just information, I cannot recommend him highly enough!

    Please keep this ART ALIVE!

  2. #2
    Big and called Ian. BigIan's Avatar
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    Raff yep this happened to my Kent badger brush as well, and it does shed a hair every now and again but thats going to happen with any brush.

  3. #3
    Born a Hundred Years Too Late aroliver59's Avatar
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    +1 It's quite normal for a new brush to shed for a bit until all of the hairs that didn't quite make it into the knot base cement slide out and fall away.It should happen less and less as you use it.

  4. #4
    all your razor are belong to us red96ta's Avatar
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    +2 it's normal.

  5. #5
    Well Shaved Gentleman... jhenry's Avatar
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    As the previous posts have noted, its quite normal to lose a few hairs from the knot of your brush initially and even over time with repeated use. It shouldn't impact the ability of your brush to make good lather, though.
    "Age is an issue of mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter." Mark Twain

  6. #6
    -- There is no try, only do. Morty's Avatar
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    My badger brush shed an occasional hair or three on a regular basis for the first six years or so, then it stopped. I've had it for eleven years now with no complaints. Worry not about yours.
    Morty -_-

  7. #7
    Senior Member dward's Avatar
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    Vulfix is a good brush manufacturer with a solid reputation. I lost some hairs initally with all 3 of my new brushes (one Vulfix, and rwo Stephen's from SRD) so your lose seems in line with my experience. If, however, the loss continues after a few weeks contact the vendor where you purchased it.

  8. #8
    Junior Member badgerandhone's Avatar
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    Yes, this will happen with a brand new brush. As mentioned, it's just the hairs that aren't locked into place properly falling out. It will settle after a few uses.

    The brush will always shed the occasional hair throughout it's lifetime.

    Vulfix is a very good manufacturer. There's nothing to worry about there.

  9. #9
    Scale Maniac BKratchmer's Avatar
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    Not saying there is a quality problem, but as far as dropped hairs go my Vulfix is the most shedding-prone of my brushes by a long shot. It drops 2-3 every time I use it, as opposed to my other brushes which will lose 1-2 in a month of solid use.

  10. #10
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    Thought I'd bought a bootleg. At the price I paid I was a little preoccupied. Just seemed too good to be true. Here's the link for any interested.

    Real Quality Super Badger Shaving Brushes The 660SM on eBay (end time 27-Jul-10 18:50:43 BST)

    What about the smell?
    It's a bit like a wet dog at times, anything I could do to tone it down a bit?
    Is it another aspect of the break-in period?

    Thank You Gentlemen for your replies so far...very reassuring!

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