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Thread: Too close?

  1. #1
    Member prrfan's Avatar
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    Default Too close?

    So, I am a newbie. Been straight razor shaving for two months now. I am wondering if folks have an opinion on when a shave can be too close? As an example, I have read that when shaving and stretching your skin, you are actually causing the hair to come out of the follicle a bit, causing that BBS shave. However, if one is susceptible to ingrown hairs, this would seem to me to promote ingrown hairs. If you have sensitive skin, is it really a good idea to make three or more passes over the same area?
    Obviously, the closeness of your shave is a personal decision and certainly there aren't laws requiring a wet shaver to be BBS, but I am wondering if some newbies tend to be overly eager for that BBS shave when they really should be looking for that DFS.

  2. #2
    Well Shaved Gentleman... jhenry's Avatar
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    IMHO no...I suffered from ingrown hairs frequently when I used a multi-blade razor. Since converting, first to a DE and then later to a str8 razor, I have not experienced any ingrown hairs. In fact, my face has never felt or looked better.

    Of course, I don't always seek or expect a BBS shave either. Reasonably close and smooth is good enough for me.
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  3. #3
    Wee Whisker Whacker BingoBango's Avatar
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    Someone said on the forum, "Better a little stubble than a little irritation." I'd say sacrificing skin for BBS is taking it a bit far, but I don't see why you wouldn't go for the closest, comfy shave you can get.

  4. #4
    Senior Member welshwizard's Avatar
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    I think that a shave can definitely be too close. I find that shaving ATG on certain parts of the face leaves me with discomfort and razor burn. Shaving ATG can, to some degree, give you the problem of ingrowing hair more associated with a multi-blade cartridge.

    I think that there is too much emphasis put on the need to have a 'BBS' shave.

    I prefer to have a comfortable shave every day, rather than what can sometimes feel like taking off a layer of skin. I suffer less with spots and bumps by avoiding really close shaving.
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  5. #5
    Super Shaver xman's Avatar
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    The straight razor removes the top layer of dying skin which would catch the whiskers and cause in-growns. This is also the reason why the shave lasts longer because your skin replenishes the skin in the first day at nearly the same rate as the hair grows. At least that's MY story and I'm sticking to it! ... for now

  6. #6
    Senior Member BHChieftain's Avatar
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    I always do a 3 passer w/ATG and have never had ingrown hair problems, but that is just me... maybe I'm just lucky. I use razors finished with a coticule, perhaps that contributes to low irritation?


  7. #7
    LOLWUT? Allen's Avatar
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    As mentioned, I've experienced no less than a dramatic decrease in ingrown hairs ever since switching to a straight. On that premise, the idea that "a closer shave results in more ingrowns" is flawed, IMO.

    However, there lies a fine line between "close enough" and "too close". If you experience chronic skin irritation (i.e. ingrowns, razorburn, etc) even after using a straight for upwards of a year, chances are, you're either applying too much pressure or your blade isn't sharp enough.

    That said, there may be other variables entering the picture: propensity to acne or other minor skin irritations; imperfections in your blade, despite perceived sharpness and/or smoothness; excessive skin exfoliation, resulting in superfluous skin irritation; any other random variable that comes to mind.

    In my experience, it's fine to go over an area twice, if not several times during the course of a shave. Mind you, I have sensitive, acne-prone skin that flares up if too much pressure is involved.

    If, however, you're experiencing any side-effects of undue stress on your skin, my advice would be to lighten your touch and ensure that you're following proper protocol in regards to skin-stretching; taking into account your skin sensitivity; pressure; products; aftershaves regimen, etc.

    If you're new to straight shaving, just take your time and take things as they come. The majority of aforementioned obstacles will dramatically decrease over time, provided some common sense and patience are involved.

  8. #8
    Member james2's Avatar
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    Default newbie response

    well seeing as how the purpose of shaving is to remove hair i find myself attempting to get as close of a shave as possible every time without overly irritating the skin. in my brief experience with str8's it's the XTG and ATG pass/passes that provide this but at the cost of irritation...
    not razor burn or skin removal but just a general feeling of adequately cutting the hair so close as to agitate the follicle, like it knows your trying to rip it out or something...anyone correct me if i'm wrong? especially if you have a dense beard like myself.
    i do think i tend to apply too much pressure at times but thats cause imma newb

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