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Thread: Stretching

  1. #1
    Husband, Dad, Son. fletcherfam's Avatar
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    Default Stretching

    So, last night had shave #8, best shave yet thanks to a random comment from nun2sharp I read on one of these threads about a certain way he stretches the skin on the chin. Got it clean, smooth, and no irritation!! Anyway, this got me to thinkin', a number of people have commented on how after a while they learned a different way to stretch the skin, or a different angle to stretch the skin, that made a big difference in their shave, so I thought I would solicit the knowing crowd of SRP for a survey of: How do you stretch your skin, where, and in what direction? If you have a link to a previous thread on this subject that would be great.

    Happy shaving!


  2. #2
    They call me Mr Bear. Stubear's Avatar
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    I do a whole bunch of stretching when I shave and the only way I can really describe it without writing an essay is to say that I pull whatever way will get the bristles to stand upright more!

    Thats the key to it really..!

    What works for me may not work for someone else, its all down to which way your hair grows. Pull so that the hairs stand up!

    Glad you had a good shave! As you shave more you will learn the little stretches and techniques that work for you!

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    fletcherfam (01-07-2010)

  4. #3
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    Stubear's experience mirrors my own. As time past I would suddenly have a light bulb moment and see a new way to stretch and try it. Some of the time it is better and other times it is not but gradually we find the ways that work for our particular mug. Lynn did a post a long time ago about mapping the face here to determine your beard grain direction. That is a big help in figuring out what stretches will work for you.
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  6. #4
    Senior Member welshwizard's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fletcherfam View Post
    How do you stretch your skin, where, and in what direction?
    Every face is different. Mine needs stretching every which way these days. Forty years ago no stretching was required,the skin was tight enough.
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  7. #5
    Wee Whisker Whacker BingoBango's Avatar
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    The wiki describes the general idea here. After you map your face, try to incorporate that basic idea of pulling from behind the hairs. I find it easier to map certain areas after a shave.

    Also, twisting your neck or head, opening your mouth, pointing your chin towards the ceiling and funny faces can assist keeping the face taught. Sometimes I'll use a little TP or paper towel to better grip my face with my non-shaving hand. Here's a helpful post from that thread, if you have alum block.

    Quote Originally Posted by TheBaron View Post
    I hear rubbing your fingertips on an alum block will get the same results, but as I don't have one of those, I think the paper trick may work for me when needed.

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