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  1. #1
    Member stygian's Avatar
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    Default I cannot get a razor to shave my chin and mustache

    I have two Prima Klangs (one of which is brand new, just received it from SRD).

    Either razor shaves my cheek and neck area fine. But when I reach the chin one of two things happens: 1) If the angle of the spine to my face is small the blade passes right over the hairs and does not cut any hair. 2) If I raise the angle the blade either stops cold if I have a couple days growth on my face, or skips if I'm shaving everyday. Either way the shave is awful. To make matters worse, with all the beard prep, skin care shaving soap and techniques I have learn while learn to shave with a straight, I can get a BBS shave from a cartridge razor now?! I have tried different angles and passes--WTG, XTG or ATG (Note: On ATG passes the razor always stops and if I nudge it all it does is cut me. WTG the razor tends to pass over the hair. XTG tends to produce the most skipping).

    Any suggestions would be appreciated.


  2. #2
    Member stygian's Avatar
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    I should add that the other Klang is only about 2 months old and has been rehoned recently.

  3. #3
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    Welcome to the wonderful world of singing blades with lots of flex. My best man sold his Prima Klang because he could not master it. That said, I find them easy enough to use if your preparation and technique are good. Which, in all likelihood, is not the case for you. Keep in mind that proper stretching is essential (form a U with your thumb and index finger, stretch sideways), and that the idea of straight shaving is gradual removal of hair, not WTG BBS and some touch ups.

    Good luck.


  4. #4
    ATG is offline
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    Stretching the skin is definitely key for these areas, it may take a little while to figure out what works best for you but for the chin I make sure to pull my bottom lip over my teeth kinda (I don't know any better way to describe this); and then with my free hand grasp my throat area and pull the skin directly under my chin downwards.

    For the mustache I have found that using the opposite hand to shave one side of it while the other hand pulls diagonally on the skin works best. So, for example, for the left side of my mustache, I pull diagonally on my face just below where the mustache starts with my left hand, and then with my right hand I take the razor and do an ATG pass VERY VERY gently.

  5. #5
    zib is offline
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    You could always grow a Goatee?
    We have assumed control !

  6. #6
    what Dad calls me nun2sharp's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by zib View Post
    You could always grow a Goatee?

    And this is why they made you a mentor!?

    @ Stygian, when I do my chin I look at the contours and break them down into smaller flat planes and shave accordingly, smaller precise strokes may be the ticket! If you've got the prep down pat, it may be just a matter of adjusting your angles.
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  7. #7
    They call me Mr Bear. Stubear's Avatar
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    The chin area does tend to be where the tougher hairs are, which makes it even more difficult!

    It might actually be a case where you find it easier to use a more wedge type blade? The Prima Klangs are extra full hollow grind and, as Robin says, do flex alot which makes shaving a tough beard that much... well, tougher! Pushing the blade on to a tough beard will make it flex and then it might skip when it springs back or cuts through the hair, increasing the chances of slashing your face to ribbons, not good!

    You might find it easier to have a thicker grind such as a full or half hollow? I have a tough beard and I can get a good shave with a full hollow grind with no problems. But the barber who sold me my first razor did say that extra full hollows can be a bit tricksy on a tough beard!

    If you dont want to sell one of your Prima Klangs (because they are very pretty!) you'll need to make sure your prep is absolutely A1 and that your beard is good and soft before you begin.

    Good luck!

  8. #8
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    The Chin takes me multiple passes to get it all BBS. I start with WTG and use short strokes and reduce as much as possible. On the next shave, 2nd pass, it gets a few different XTG and ATG passes as I work other areas of my face near the chin. So the chin ends up getting several passes from various angles as I use it as a finishing point for other strokes.

    The mustache area gets only two passes WTG and ATG. Careful short strokes work the best. Also knowing the angles to get it right works the best. I always get a mini weeper for doing this one, but cold water closes it up quickly.

    I don't have a Pklang, but thought it would be a good shaver for anyone and you can likely sell it or trade it on-line at SRP and go with a stiffer razor such a 1/2 hollow or 1/4 hollow. I have full hollow 7/8 and that one is stiffer than what you would get with a 5/8 full hollow. My 7/8 is also an outstanding shaver and a favorite among those who have it.

    Lots of options for you and good luck!


  9. #9
    I Dull Sheffields
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    For ATG on the chin, pull your bottom lip inside your mouth, and pull the skin down between your collar bones. I use the edge of my forefinger or the palm of my hand to stretch my neck skin to make the chin taut.

    For XTG (depending on direction), use the same technique pulling along the jawline opposite the side you are shaving. Works like a charm.

    Sometimes I can get away without using my hands at all, if I turn my head and stick my chin way out, the skin is tight enough without hands.

    You'll find yourself making all kinds of stupid faces to get a decent shave, but it's worth it!

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