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  1. #11
    Steel crazy after all these years RayG's Avatar
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    The funny thing is my wife tells me, "I really don't know why you make a fuss about it, it looks the same either way, and actually looks worse when irritated. And besides, nobody has any business touching your neck but me."

  2. #12
    Junior Member Fortytwoblades's Avatar
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    Same issue here. I have a very angular frame, and I have a very hard time getting in the hollows either side of the trachea, or even just right under my jaw line. I'm using an old spike-point american "Celebrated Rifle Razor, Full Hollow Ground" that had the corner rounded off against a hone. It still has a pretty precise tip, but I just can't work it in there. Hadn't thought of the half-swallowing thing. That might work for me at least--I'll have to give it a go.

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