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  1. #1
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    Default Intro and Suggestions?

    Hi, I'm like completely new to this, i've always fancied the idea of a straight-edge and just recently decided that i'm going for it lol. Umm... lil about me? lol I'm Murb or Murdoch, not picky on which lol. And I haven't even gotten a razor yet and i'm fairly sure i'm gonna suffer from RAD lol.

    I have read lots and lots about how there are these killer sets that the people on this forum have put together for the newbs and i get all excited and go to ask about one and then i find out it was like a month or two ago lol and someone had just posted on it saying it was a great kit lol. So i was wondering if there was any kits available at the moment lol. And if not, can someone suggest a really good kit that would have everything i need? It doesn't have to include the SE cause i'm sure i've found enough of those available at a good price, But having it in there would be good too, and shave ready would be HIGHLY appreciated lol. And i don't mind paying the bit of more money to get a better quality kit and peices if thats what you think i should do. Honestly i'm still a lil confused by alot of the choices, i think the razors are the only thing i understand and even that is shaky lol.

    Thanks for all your help in advance and reading this forum it sounds like everyone is extremely helpful and really just great. I'm glad i found this place and happy to become a part of it.


    P.S. I thought i would personalize this just to make it not look like every other newb introduction out there lol.
    My name is Murdoch, i live in B.C., Canada, I'm 20 and finaly saved up enough for a bit some full time college and stuff without having to be cramped, I'm starting my Pre-med starting this summer. I work in a resteraunt, I mostly just wash dishes cause well thats how i started there and it gave me the most money lol, but i also do prep work and the occaisonal line cook, been trying to get them to train me as a Waiter, but no luck so far lol. I like archery, sword fighting(fencing and kendo), Martial arts, and Flying Planes. Of which none is really available in the small town i live in lol. And yah. I also love electronics, like computers and other things that have microchips, give me a new device and i'll entertain myself for hours figuring every lil bit of it out. And books lol, fiction usually. And thats really all i can think of, if anyone wants to strike up a conversation and tell me about themselves i will be only too happy to learn about you too. Thanks for your time ^^
    Last edited by Murb; 03-15-2008 at 08:59 AM.

  2. #2
    Senior Member 2Sharp's Avatar
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    Welcome Murb. You came to the right place if you want to learn straight shaving. The kits are a good way to get started from scratch. Make sure your first razor is shave ready and you have a good leather strop. All the rest of the gear is a matter of preference or choice. Good luck on your new adventure.

    Don't go to the light. bj

  3. #3
    Senior Member Kenrup's Avatar
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    You are in the right place! I'm trying to post kits on weekends. If all goes well this afternoon I'll be post a couple again. Just keep hanging in there and refreshing your browser, you'll snag something soon.

  4. #4
    Senior Member 0o.Mark.o0's Avatar
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    This guy is off on the right track if you wanted to go brand new.


  5. #5
    Renaissance Man fritz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 0o.Mark.o0 View Post
    This guy is off on the right track if you wanted to go brand new.

    That link should be:

    And I agree, also second the idea of going up one level to get the strop with the canvas instead of the leather only.

    OTOH, Kenrup does have some very nice deals on the BST as well. Depends on whether you insist on brand new or like the idea of shaving with a vintage razor.
    Last edited by fritz; 03-16-2008 at 05:54 AM.

  6. #6
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    Honestly, i'm not picky with either one, I don't know about razors, but some things get better with age, wine, whiskey, scotch, and a whole lotta other things. So i'm up for trying anything under the sun and i'll probably buy another razor after a bit of a new if it got an antique before or vice versa just to see the difference.

  7. #7
    Newbie Str8 Shaver cwrighta70's Avatar
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    Welcome, Murb! I'm a newbie as well, been shaving for a couple weeks. It's a blast! You are going to fall in love with it.

    Just keep your eyes glued to the BST...there's a lot of fantastic stuff there.

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