If you maintain a blade you can shave with it as often as needed, two or three times a day if called for and you will not harm the blade.
Barbers in days past did not use 20 razors in a day and let them rest for a full day or more.
They disinfected and stropped properly between customers and changed out blades when they did not perform.
I get on a kick and will use the same blade daily for a month, I will hit it on my 12k hone after two weeks or so,
and at that rate I will have been gone longer than the dinosaurs before it becomes an issue.

It will take a few rounds of getting it honed and shaving before you really get the hang of it all, this is not going to be enough wear to blink an eye at.

When you start to hone you may want to consider a practice blade or make some time to sit with someone who has the experience a time or ten.

Angles are different (at least they were for me I started on a shavette) it will take a few shaves to get that,

stropping is a whole new skill and it can take time for many to really get it.

Do not be afraid to lay your strop on the table if that is what it takes, or practice with a butter knife.

Use your shavette for a back up for now if needed, slow down and enjoy each process as much as the shave,

I have found a tranquility in every step of this art.
