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Thread: Getting back into straight shaving

  1. #1
    Senior Member mikedelo's Avatar
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    Default Getting back into straight shaving

    Hello everyone! Long time no post!

    After leaving the world of straight shaving about two years ago, I am back.

    What brought me back was a recent hot shave I had. I left feeling my face and saying "I need to get back into this."

    The reason why I left straight shaving was due to the damage I was doing on my face from not honing correctly.

    This time, I picked up a disposable straight razor and ran home to shave. (I never stopped using my scuttle, brush and mamma bear shave soap) I did well , but cut myself a bit. WOW! it is just like riding a bike, for the most part. I almost forgot how much I loved to straight shave.

    The razor was too light for my liking me had rectangle end instead of rounded ones, which I prefer. (I almost never cut myself before)

    My mission now, is to figure out how to hone so I do not ruin my skin. That and to buy a new razor.

    I welcome your thoughts, comments and advice!


  2. #2
    It's bloodletting with style! - Jim KindestCutOfAll's Avatar
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    Welcome back Mike.

    I understand what you went through. Every straight I have used has been honed by me only.

    There was a point I wanted to throw in the towel (no pun intended). I studied the honing forums closely and asked for advice when I struggled.

    Even now I would say I have a long way to go, but at this point I have some pretty satisfactory shaves.

    Good luck and don't stop working at it.

  3. #3
    Senior Member blabbermouth edhewitt's Avatar
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    There must be someone reasonably close by that you could meet up with. Perhaps a bit of direct tutoring may go a long way.
    And welcome, can't really say welcome back I wasn't here for your first spin
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  4. #4
    Not with my razor 🚫 SirStropalot's Avatar
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    Hey Mike,

    Welcome back to the forum!!

    There's a ton of honing info here, and here's a link to gssixgun's videos. Very informative and quite comprehensive for most stones and techniques.

    We also have a new forum on shaving with shavettes, if you're interested.

    Glad you've returned.......Hope you enjoy the forum!!



  5. #5
    May your bone always be well buried MickR's Avatar
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    Welcome back Mike. I wish you better luck this time around.


  6. #6
    Predictably Unpredictiable Mvcrash's Avatar
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    One of the difficult parts of Str8 Shaving is getting the edge to your liking. Takes time and much effort. In the is very well worth the time and effort. Don't get caught up in the honing stuff. I would recommend man made hones that are reliable in grit and manufacture. Once you can get a good edge, then you can start to play around with all the other stuff.

    Good Luck
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  7. #7
    Plausibly implausible carlmaloschneider's Avatar
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    One needs at least two razors early on, both truly shave ready. I find full or 1/2 hollow 5/8 the easiest for me to hone, but I also find framebacks easy. I have some trouble with wedges and also razors with warps or smiles. If you start off just refreshing the edge on one razor with a high grit hone, you can compare your work to the other.

    I'd not jump straight to setting a bevel until you have refreshing an edge sorted. Then, when you're ready, get a Norton 4/8 and read the JANorton thread. Use pyramids to give yourself a plan and 'boundaries'. Ask a lot of questions, video your honing if you can (and post it) and maybe PM someone who seems to be patient and keen to offer mentoring. I think this last point will allow you to concentrate on one opinion or solution without getting overwhelmed by many styles and opinions.
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  8. #8
    Senior Member blabbermouth edhewitt's Avatar
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    I agree with Carl, pick a mentor you like, and try the advice they give, use PM's. Posting to the forums is goid to try and get a general concensus, but for specific advice you may well end up more lost than at the start.
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  9. #9
    Senior Member blabbermouth eddy79's Avatar
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    Welcome back. As you've stated you were shaving but it was uncomfortable. Was this a issue of keenness or harshness. Both may require different approaches and make a huge difference to your shaves. What hones were you using as that may help us to help you.
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  10. #10
    Senior Member mikedelo's Avatar
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    WOW! Thanks everyone for the replies!

    I am going to take everyone's advice and stick with the honing videos. If I feel additional help is needed, I will try to find someone that lives close to me to help. Sometimes face to face/hands on (no pun intended) is better, but I do understand the videos to be a close second.

    Since my initial post, I was able to find a five days set I bought a while ago, along with my strop. My Norton must have went missing during my move. (I moved from New Jersey and bought a house in Staten Island, NY.) So this item will be need to be replaced. But from what I understand I will need two hones, is this correct? The five day set is in great condition but I find them a little too light in weight for my liking.

    Thanks again for the replies! I look forward to continuing our chat here and elsewhere on the forum!


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