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Thread: My new kit.

  1. #11
    A Fully-Fleshed Brethren Brenngun's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MickR View Post
    I know of several highly recommended shops that don't sell shave ready, which was the one you purchased from? Just so those here who know can say if it's likely shave ready or not. Pulling can be technique issue, but it can also be caused by a non save ready razor.

    OP. This truly happens more than you might think but there is a very simple solution. Contact the seller in this case Invisible Edge and ask them. Make sure you ask specifically if they had the razor privately honed prior to shipping to you or did they ship it with the factory edge? If their response is the latter than it's not shave ready and needs to be honed. If they say they honed it before shipping than it's more likely to be your technique unless their honing skills suck.
    Noidle likes this.

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