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  1. #1
    Information Regurgitator TheBaron's Avatar
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    Default Picked up Two to learn on...

    So I went to an antique store near my house just to take a look. Found a couple razors in not horrible condition. Thought I might give restoration a go just for the hell of it. The way I see it; even though I don't plan on being a regular restorer. Trying on a couple will teach me how to at least maintain my own razors as well as give me more appreciation for the beauties you guys put up here after you restored em. Plus if I ever do come across an Otto or c-mon HF (god willing) I may just be able to make em shave ready.

    So I talked the shop keep down to just over $10 for each razor, spent a little over $20 for both...

    The first one is a Torrey (around 5/8), the blade has some decent scratches that will take some work but the scales are actually in near mint condition. Not sure what the scales are made of but that is some odd yellow and black pattern...

    Second one is a Bengall (7/8), The blade is not as bad as the pictures are showing and should actually be pretty easy to clean up. The scales will have to be replaced though, they are just tore up.

    So, how did I do?
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  2. #2
    I just want one of each. keenedge's Avatar
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    I think you've got two razors that have a lot of potential, at a good price. If I saw those two in an antique store, I'd snap them up. I've not shaved with either of those razors myself but I've seen positive comments by those that have. Post pictures when your done.

    Here's a good link for restoration info, if you haven't seen it.

  3. #3
    what Dad calls me nun2sharp's Avatar
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    A couple of great shavers there for a very good price! You are going to love that Torrey, Ive got one just like it, except the scales are yellow and the blade is cleaned and ready to go. Wanna trade?
    It is easier to fool people than to convince them they have been fooled. Twain

  4. #4
    Information Regurgitator TheBaron's Avatar
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    I'll be sure to post pictures as I got em, but I don't even have so much as sand paper at this point (going to have to collect resto tools as I go) so it may be some time before pics are up.

    Quote Originally Posted by nun2sharp View Post
    A couple of great shavers there for a very good price! You are going to love that Torrey, Ive got one just like it, except the scales are yellow and the blade is cleaned and ready to go. Wanna trade?
    How exactly am I learning restoration by trading my project for one that is already finished? Me thinks you're just trying to get your hands on those scales.

    Anyhow; for anyone that lives in Southern California, I got those blades at an antique shop in Old Town La Verne. They still have a Genco for just under $20. This blade is in about the same condition as the Torrey I posted, maybe a little worse, but the scales (plain black celluloid) are bowed and may need to be replaced or at least straightened. Yet the genco comes with a Genco box for the razor in not too shabby condition for a box that old. Just a heads up for anyone in the area.

  5. #5
    Senior Member ENUF2's Avatar
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    You did good. I have 2 Torreys and like them both don't know much about the other one but I've heard a lot of goood posts about it. Good luck on restoration take pictures and tell us how ot goes.

  6. #6
    Senior Member Deryan's Avatar
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    Those boys will look nice when done, question for the torrey with the yellow/black scales, that hump on the scale is that for cosmetic appearence or functional? and why? just a question

  7. #7
    Information Regurgitator TheBaron's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Deryan View Post
    Those boys will look nice when done, question for the torrey with the yellow/black scales, that hump on the scale is that for cosmetic appearence or functional? and why? just a question

    those bumps on the scales appear to be hooks that hold the blade in place when closed. when I get a hold of a better camera and a light box I'll get a picture an angle so you can see it better.

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