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  1. #1
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    Default Looking for first time razor - anyone heard of Imperial uk?


    I am new to the forum and also to straight razor shaving. By which I mean I haven't started yet!

    I was looking around trying to work out what would be the best buy for a first razor. I don't want to spend too much on it until I know it's right for me.

    One I found on ebay seems like really good value:

    Imperial UK - SHAVING STRAIGHT CUT THROAT RAZOR + STROP on eBay (end time 07-May-10 04:22:20 BST)

    but I can't find any information on the brand and therefore can't work out if it's trustworthy!

    I would really appreciate some suggestions!

  2. #2
    Senior Member livingontheedge's Avatar
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    I have never seen one by Imperial, but you get what you pay for, I wouldn't want to take a chance, however, like I said I have no expierience with this brand.

  3. #3
    Senior Member Brando's Avatar
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    Hi, and welcome this might help you. I have never heard of the razor your asking about. But you might post your question with the link about that razor in the "Razors" forum. Someone there Im sure could further help you.
    Frequently Asked Questions - Straight Razor Place Wiki
    What makes a good starter razor?

    Dovo Best Quality 6/8
    • Size = 6/8 A wider blade is easier to keep flat on the strop, which is very important for a beginner. 6/8 is also dead center on the size chart, so you can decide which direction to go on your second razor. Finally, it has some heft for those less than confident first strokes, and is still easy to handle.
    • Grind = Half hollow Again dead center on the chart, so you can decide which direction to go after your first razor. A half hollow grind offers enough heft for beginner shaving, yet also has some flexibility for comfort.
    • Point = Round point. A round point is a little safer, anyway, not a lot but every little bit helps at first.

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  5. #4
    what Dad calls me nun2sharp's Avatar
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    Buy either from one of the reputable vendors listed on SRP or go to the classifieds and buy from one of our members. Until you know something about razors why take a chance. Learn the skills with something you can trust and later you can experiment, there is a learning curve ahead of you and you cant learn without the proper tools.
    It is easier to fool people than to convince them they have been fooled. Twain

  6. #5
    Member Bluesman's Avatar
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    +2 to Nun2sharp! Invest in a good razor up front to get a true feel for shaving with a straight. Believe me it is worth it! A bad razor will invariably yield bad results, but you will think the problem is with straight razors. When I started running I bought a "a pair of running shoes" for $40. These gave me hip and knee problems. I thought it was me getting older. I invested in the right shoes for my feet and style (only about $69). No problems! Miraculous? No, just plain smart. You can find a good razor here for less than $90. Invest the time (to read and watch the videos) and money (on a razor and strop). You'll thank yourself for it later, trust me!

  7. #6
    Member Bluesman's Avatar
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  8. #7
    They call me Mr Bear. Stubear's Avatar
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    +1 to the advice already given! Stay away form eBay until you know a bit more about the hobby. Its a real minefield, and whilst you might be lucky, you may also be unlucky and end up wasting good money on bad kit.

    Have a read of the beginners links in my sig line below, they will answer a lot of the questions you have.

    I'd get a razor from the classifieds here, or check out the vendors corner here for alist of reputable vendors who will be able to sell you good quality kit.

    Welcome and keep us posted!

  9. #8
    Ladies Corner and General Chat CarrieM's Avatar
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    Hi Marble, welcome to the forum I have to agree with the advice already given. My suggestion would be a 5/8 round point to start out with. The Best quality Dovo is a really nice starter razor or check out the classifieds to see what may be available. Ebay razors are a gamble even for the experience shavers plus you will have to send it out to be honed to make sure it's in good condition.

    If you have any other questions please feel free to drop me a PM. Look forward to seeing you around.


  10. #9
    I shave with a spoon on a stick. Slartibartfast's Avatar
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    I dont know if it is a bad/good razor, but it is definately setting off my spidey senses.

  11. #10
    Member Bluesman's Avatar
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    From the research I've done on SRP I must say, like the Joker in Dark Knight, I know the squealers when I see them...and...

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