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Thread: First Shave Completed

  1. #1
    Pha Tat Luang dustoff003's Avatar
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    Default First Shave Completed

    Well just like the title says, I completed my first SR shave this morning, I did not do the best shave ever but I am not a bloody mess either, no cuts only two nicks. My razor a Dovo Natural 5/8 seemed to cut well although I have nothing to compare it to it seemed to want to hang on the mustache area and the chin, probably just my technique though. I know with a shave ready razor (from SRD) I should have just shaved with it but I did not I gave it a few laps on the strop the other day. Not because it needed it because I could not keep myself from not doing it. I hope that I did not prematurely dull it? I realize that I have to really work at this whole art to master the required skill set. I did most of my face only going with the grain. I used both hands of which both were shaking like leaves though. My two nicks were one each under each nostril.

    My pre shave consisted of me washing my face with hot water, lathering, hot towel two times for a minute each, then re-lathering and starting to shave.

    I noticed my lather initially seemed okay but then it got dry. I am using the unscented SRD soap. I shaved a little and then I reapplied lather here and there as necessary.

    Like I mentioned above I shaved most of my face at least one pass with the grain and then, I figured I would quit while I was ahead. I finished/touched up with my Mach 3. I chose not to rise my razor under the tap but instead to wipe it on a towel, that is okay right?

    Post shave was cold water rise, styptic pencil to the two nicks, rub with Witch Hazel, then finished with Aqua Velva.

    All and all it was a good and enjoyable experience, I am happy with my choice to start shaving with a Straight Razor. When my vintage Faultless razor arrives I will give it a try also and then I have something to compare the Dovo to.
    Last edited by dustoff003; 10-28-2012 at 01:16 PM.
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  2. #2
    Senior Member mjsorkin's Avatar
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    Default First Shave Completed

    Congrats on the first shave!

    Keep doing it. Soon you will be a shaving master.

    dustoff003 likes this.
    “there is the danger that the ignorant man may easily underdose himself and by exposing his microbes to nonlethal quantities of the drug make them resistant.”---Fleming

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  4. #3
    Senior Member Eekspa's Avatar
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    Welcome to the brotherhood. Only 2 nicks? Good job! Sounds like you have done your shave progression homework and are on the right track to make the chore of shaving something to look forward to.

    Come back often and let us know how you are progressing. Great source of information on this forum, so don't hesitate to ask questions.
    dustoff003 likes this.
    Any day on this side of the flowers is a good day!

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  6. #4
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    Congratulation, great first shave!!!
    2 nicks under the nostrils is very good, that's a difficult place and the blade cannot be put at the right angle. I've seen people using different techniques there and tried by myself:
    Pulling up the nose in order to clear the space and allow a better angle
    No pressure and blade twist to grab the first whiskers,
    Pull the skin towards one side, to clear the space above from the nose.
    Look at the many videos here and you will find the idea that better suits your technique.

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  8. #5
    Senior Member blabbermouth celestino's Avatar
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    Ed, congratulations and continued success!
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    dustoff003 (10-29-2012)

  10. #6
    Senior Member tiddle's Avatar
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    Good deal! Remember though, you can just wipe the blade during shaving, but after rinse, wipe, rinse, wipe dry. Don't want anything to dry on the blade itself after shaving it will show up as little black or foggy white spots.
    dustoff003 likes this.
    Mastering implies there is nothing more for you to learn of something... I prefer proficient enough to not totally screw it up.

  11. #7
    Pha Tat Luang dustoff003's Avatar
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    I did not do bad today either two more nicks and a baby cut, in different places than yesterday and nothing worthy of the cut of the day yet. I have to work on my lather and stropping a lot. I am hoping to get out to town and buy some shaving sicks either Palmolive or Arko or both depending on what I can find.


  12. #8
    Pha Tat Luang dustoff003's Avatar
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    I am wondering if my razor should be pulling when I do my mustache area and my chin WTG? My guess is not. Today was my razors third shave so I am trying to figure if I dulled it on the strop, my lather is poor, or I have to work on my shaving technique for those areas? I know that those areas are the coarsest parts of my face, the razor seems to cut well in other areas. In three shavings and three stroppings could I have dulled my blade?

    My face also seems a little more irritated that usual should I take a day off from the SR tomorrow, or is that normal and will go away as my face gets accustomed to the new shaver?


  13. #9
    Senior Member aespo's Avatar
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    It can take quite a few shaves for your face to get used to it. Good work though if you are only slightly nicking yourself.
    Try only lathering a section at a time so that the soap doors not dry out on you..

    Good luck the rest of the way.
    Last edited by aespo; 10-30-2012 at 09:27 PM. Reason: spelling
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  15. #10
    Pha Tat Luang dustoff003's Avatar
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    I am one month in to Straight Razor Shaving now and I just got my second razor yesterday from gssixgun, today was its first shave in probably 40 plus years. Up until today I have been using my Dovo Natural from SRD it was nice to use a vintage blade with a family connection, see

    Prep: Hot shower
    Soap: ARKO Shave Stick
    Brush: My only one Simpson B4 Beaufort Pure Badger
    Razor: The "Faultless"
    Post: Cold water rinse, Witch Hazel, Skin Bracer AS, and Nivea sensitive post shave balm

    The end result was a DFS 85% BBS (still working on the hollows of my neck), the razor shaved like butter it effortlessly cut through my whiskers. I had probably my best shave yet I don't know if it was me minding the point, Poppy's hand guiding mine, or Glen's awesome work, I think it was all of the above. The Faultless had a wonderfully smooth edge, now I know that my Dovo Natural is getting dull since I have something to compare it to now. I can now send the Dovo off to Lynn for its free honing after one month of service to a beginner I think that it is ready for it. I think I prefer the vintage razor to the modern one.


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